Taxpayers investing in Enterprise Zones (EZ) can earn an income tax credit for specific economic development activities. All businesses in the EZ must pre-certify in order to be eligible to take the Enterprise Zone credits. The pre-certification must be completed prior to the expenditure on which the credit is based.
The Colorado Economic Development Commission approved revised Enterprise Zone designations at their meeting on August 13, 2015. El Paso County is now part of a new zone called the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone which also encompasses Teller County. Some areas have graduated out of EZ status while other have been newly added. These new designations are effective January 1, 2016.
You can search a map on the website as a preliminary step to determine if you are in an EZ. Click here for the map.
However, the map is based on Google Maps so is not always accurate. If you believe you are in an Enterprise Zone and that is not registering as true on the search, then contact your Enterprise Zone Administrator for confirmation.
We are happy to assist in this process if you would like, so please let us know if you would like us to search on your behalf. As our client, if we are already aware you are in an Enterprise Zone, we will apply for the pre-certification on your behalf.