SKR+Co Alert: The Black Forest Fire – Financial Resource Guidance
June 19, 2013
It's hard to believe we're here again – the same place and about the same time as just one year ago. Our hearts go out to all of you suffering from the effects of the Black Forest Fire. This disaster affects our entire community to one degree or another, and we are heartened to see so many reach out to provide help and support to neighbors and strangers.
We also know many of you are still recovering from last year's Waldo Canyon Fire. We haven't forgotten you and know that recovery is not something that happens overnight.
We realize that one area of concern for many may be how to rebuild their financial records that may have been damaged or destroyed. Another concern may be filing the right paperwork with the right agencies at the right time. This e-blast touches on several areas of possible concern with links to some of the best resources to help you and your family, friends, or business.
As always, please contact us with any specific questions and we'll do our best to help you find the answers. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Putting the financial pieces back together
Following any disaster, there are many things you can do to help speed your recovery. The links below send you to Red Cross resources to help you regain a sense of balance. They offer suggestions on steps to take immediately, what to do in the initial weeks and months, and how to begin planning again for the future.
Recovering Financially
Picking up the Pieces After a Disaster
Information regarding tax issues
We want to remind you that Stockman Kast Ryan + CO maintains electronic copies of our clients' tax records and would be happy to provide them to you should the need arise. Here are some additional resources you may find helpful.
Colorado Department of Revenue
Information for Taxpayers Affected by Wildfires
Internal Revenue Service
Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Businesses
Casualty Losses
The IRS provides helpful information regarding casualty losses due to disaster on their website. But we realize that you may need help sifting through the information, so please contact us if you have questions or need assistance.
Internal Revenue Service
Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Losses – Including Federally Declared Disaster Areas
Contact us
Again, we realize this is a very difficult time for so many in our community. If we can be of service to you in any way, please contact us at (719) 630-1186 or through our Secure Email.
Additional Resources & Ways to Help
El Paso County Disaster Assistance Center
(719)444-8301,Open 8-6
Located at the Citizen Service Center, 1675 Garden of the Gods Road
To help fire victims, CLICK HERE
To Download their Relief & Recovery Guide, CLICK HERE
The American Red Cross, Pikes Peak Chapter
To learn how to donate or volunteer, CLICK HERE
Discover Goodwill is providing emergency vouchers to fire victims.CLICK HERE for more information.
Caring for animals of evacuees
Humane Society Pikes Peak Region
Wildfire Cleanup Guidance
El Paso County Public Health
After the Fire – Your Emotional & Physical Well-Being
Centers for Disease Control
If you were a victim of the Waldo Canyon Fire and would like to participate in a mentoring program to Black Forest Fire victims,CLICK HERE to learn how.